Guiding Light Vision and Mission
The Vision of Guiding Light is to improve the acceptance and inclusion of children,
teenagers and adults with Autism in our communities, through improved access to
information, resources, training and support services.
Guiding Light mission is to enhance the lives of individuals and families affected by
autism spectrum disorders in their own communities by:
• Providing early intervention so that families are not left wondering what to do for
their next steps.
• Providing holistic support to individuals and families
• Applying a strength-based approach with a focus on empowerment and instilling
• Partnering, aligning and collaboration with existing companies/organizations with
similar values. (GLAS Ecosystem)
• Sharing our success with other support networks, and pioneering positive change
and improved regional services through these meaningful partnerships.
• Creating and improving choice and control in social and respite environments.
• Building a community participation, inclusion and contribution for all people with
disabilities, through improved understanding and awareness.
Welcome to Guiding Light! We are an organization dedicated to helping children and their families with their individual journey. We offer a variety of ABA based programs and are confident we can find the perfect fit for your needs. Thanks for visiting and we look forward to hearing from you.


Head office: 2525 Old Bronte Rd, Oakville, Ontario.
Phone: 1 (289) 878-2221 (ABC1)